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Khilafah, Corona, and the Damage to Civilization

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EditorialEnglishKhilafah, Corona, and the Damage to Civilization
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Hashtags # Remembering Khilafah2020 and # 99YearsUmatislamTwithout the Khilafah again echoed on Twitter. On Wednesday (25/3), as many as 227,000 tweets about # Remembering the Khilafah2020 and 80,600 tweets about # 99TahunUmatislamTanpaKhilafah should make your head shake. Are the ignorant, khilafah warriors, in the republic still more than 300,000? Irony!

At the same time, the republic is in a period of mourning, day after day. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to take many victims. As of Wednesday (3/25), at 16.44 West Indonesia Time, 425,964 people worldwide were infected with COVID-19 and 18,957 died. On the same day, in Indonesia alone the number of victims reached 790 people were infected, 58 people died, and 31 people recovered.

Which should we call the real disaster?

Indonesia became a field of khilafah activists for one reason: there was an assumption that the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate, now led by Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, stood in cooperation with the Ottoman Turks. Lay people were then fooled, indoctrinated, that since the Ottomans collapsed in 1924, Islam which had initially triumphed became backward.

No matter how hard we straighten out that their understanding is wrong, there will still be zero results. His brain is already thick, if we want to term it. That Islam once triumphed, yes very well. But that they apply the name al-khilafah ‘ala manhaj an-nubuwwah, that is very wrong. Fatal. Baseless. Ahistoric. Is their knowledge not enough thinking there?

Not. If you want to be honest, actually the retainers of the Khilafah warriors are not ignorant of history. What they do is manipulate it. What purpose? What else if it is not the desire to rule by fooling ordinary Muslims? Maybe there is no need to mention the person here. After all, the actors-that’s all. Even the government, perhaps, is lackluster.

Stretching the khilafah may not subside until ever. But our resistance must also not be eclipse. Indonesian civilization, Islamic civilization going forward, is in the hands of those who truly understand history. Giving up this great responsibility to those who are just drunk on the khilafah is an effort to trouble civilization itself.

Khilafah in the Middle of the Plague

Seconds launch international news, Chaos Due to Corona Virus Pandemic Benefiting ISIS ?, that the COVID-19 disaster was also politicized by ISIS. In its regular bulletin, ISIS spreads propaganda that COVID-19 is a ‘painful torture’ from God for ‘crusader states’. Also that the West, due to COVID-19, is on the ‘threshold of a major economic disaster’.

What ISIS has done is equivalent to three money by what the Khilafah activists in this country are promoting. In the midst of the Corona disaster, they still had time to shout about the khilafah. In the midst of a deadly plague, they still have the heart to try to provoke Islam among Muslims. The narrative of the Khilafah in the midst of this plague includes evidence of the shakiness of our civilization.

Today, in the midst of the COVID-19 disaster, hand in hand is a priority. The government cannot walk alone against the virus. The role of civil society is a necessity. If civil society actually has another agenda that has the potential to divide, perhaps the death of thousands of people due to outbreaks is inevitable.

Commemorating the Khilafah is a useless activity. In this republic, there is no room for the establishment of the khilafah. No matter how much they barked self-declaration, the opposition to it was stronger. Except for doing nothing, it has no use at all. In the midst of this Corona outbreak, fighting for vanity is real ignorance.

Homeland is final. What must always be sought is not to change the system, but to develop it for the better. In the Corona season, what is needed by the Republic of Indonesia is to fight together against the plague, so that people do not abort. After all, by not speaking of the Khilafah, is Islam really in decline?

Not really. Islam resigned today not because of the annihilation of the Caliphate in 1924, but because of their decline in interest in knowledge. Today’s religious understanding is old-fashioned, stagnant, and rigid. Science research is gone, even some puritans forbid it. That is the culmination of our civilization, Muslims, today.

While the Caliphate, he does not speak other than politics. There is no research agenda there. What accumulates is a desire to become a ruler.

The Future of Civilization

Islamic civilization is decrepit, and those who want to destroy it are those who are loudly barking about the khilafah. Even though they are seen as zahir as fighters of Islamic progress, what they are doing says the opposite. What kind of progress would they like to achieve if they were blind to the history of Islamic politics?

What was absent from the Khilafah warriors in the Corona virus era was social sensitivity. It is also humanity that prioritizes collective interests rather than the political agenda of the agency. Even if the Khilafah was successfully established, but humanity became an absent item, then the Khilafah’s civilization would be toothless.

While all must believe, the future of civilization requires the provision of urgent from the name of social-humanitarian sensitivity. And this is certainly not by upholding the khilafah, let alone forgetting the danger of Corona because of power politics. This global pandemic is a common enemy, regardless of state, religion, ethnicity or race.

It’s okay to commemorate the Khilafah, if it really can’t be. But the place is not in Indonesia. It is better to look for other locations, for example establishing a khilafah which is said ‘ala manhaj an-nubuwwah – which is in fact a fake – on an uninhabited island. Want to turn upside down declare yourself no one forbids.

What is clear is that the location is not Indonesia. This country does not need the ignorance of ignorant people about Islam but claims to be the most Islamic. To build civilization, the khilafah as understood by its activists, in this country, is not needed. The duty of citizens now is to assist the government in fighting COVID-19.

Keeping yourself busy looking for government policy loopholes is unnecessary. For example by criticizing because the president has not implemented a lockdown in the midst of the outbreak of Corona. Moreover, this criticism aims to weaken the government in the public eye, so that the agenda of government delegitimization runs successfully. A very disgusting trick.

Khilafah is khilafah. Corona is Corona. No need to utilize the gap between the calamities that occur. Unity is a necessary thing. If we let the Khilafah be stretched, it will not only embarrass the face of Islam to the whole world, but also show off the rift of our civilization, Indonesia, now.

Wa Allah A’lam bi ash-Shawab…



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