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The Role of Religious Organizations in Strengthening the Pillars of the Nation

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The Role of Religious Organizations in Strengthening the Pillars of the Nation
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LEvery day and every time, the life of this nation has been pushed toward mutual hostility. This is what is called that society is being polarized. The emergence of buzzer, which has recently been widely discussed, is both valid evidence and one of the reasons for the strengthening of polarization in society. But on the other hand, this phenomenon is a result of the weakening of the pillars of nationality.

The strengthening of polarization that was accompanied by mutual hatred between one group and another group, even to the point of hostility between the children of the nation, really weakened the foundation that had been built with difficulty by the founders of this nation.

National solidarity as one of the principles that must be upheld by every head of the nation’s children is difficult to find in the collective life of the nation and state. He seemed to have been lost, or like a rare item. In fact, that principle is the most noble legacy of the ancestors of this nation for all Indonesian people.

In the past, Indonesian people were known for being religious, cultured, characterized, solid, like to do everything with the principles of mutual cooperation, tolerance and gentleness. Meanwhile, harmony, harmony and peace are the basis in living a religious, national and state life.

A society that is highly cultured, characterized and religious, is not taken for grandted or manifested itself. That is, there is a kind of norms and mutual obedience that can create a peaceful and prosperous life. Yes He is the pillars of nationality, which are the basis and guidelines and references of the community to really become a spirit and become fully ingrained in the life of every inch of the nation’s children.

The pillar of nationality, simply put, is a system or philosophy (philosophiche grondslag) that contains concepts, principles, and values ​​that are embraced and become the way of life of the people of a country.

In the context of Indonesia, the national pillar is contained in the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity.

However, the pillars of nationalism, have slowly begun to be abandoned by some Indonesian people. The pillars of nationality are only used as knowledge, ornaments that live in private space. But when in the public sphere, the pillars of nationality are invisible, gone.

One result of the “abandonment” of the pillars of nationality by some Indonesian people is, the strengthening of polarization in society, which is at an end. Of course the community will not be divided if the pillars of nationality – Pancasila – become a grip and lifestyle.

Thus, if field facts confirm that social harmony and national solidarity are declining, then the cause can be predictable; the pillars of nationality are no longer practiced in everyday life.

The weakening of the pillars of nationalism that is happening today is increasingly making the heart beat faster like a drum to war when the ‘viruses’ begin to attack the pillars of nationalism, especially through the realm of national ideology.

These rogue viruses, among others, are present in the form of a radical-terrorism and khilafahism movement. Threats originating from radicalism, terrorism and khilafahism, borrowing the language of Kyai As’ad Said Ali, are still latent issues.

*National Synergy*
In the midst of the nation’s urgency because it is being crushed by radical-terrorist ideology, khilafahism, communism and liberalism, the role of social organizations (religious organizations) is very important, even urgent to be needed.

In the series of Indonesian history, the role of mass organizations, especially religious organizations, is very significant. This can be seen from the role and great contribution in realizing the ideals of Indonesia’s independence at that time.

Indeed, society organizations are the heart of the people; a place where shelter and deepen religion as well as a place to build national awareness. Through strength and strong inner relationships, society organizations have a big role in guiding and guiding their members to act and determine attitudes, including in the realm of nationalism.

Society organizations, as embedded in national history sheets, are able to move the masses because they have strong ideological and emotional resources. Reflecting on this, society organizations which openly reject Pancasila as the basis of the state will, without hesitation, be dissolved. Steps like this are taken as decisive action and for greater benefit.

If organizations that oppose the Pancasila are allowed to go back and forth in Indonesia, then with strong ideological and emotional resources in influencing the masses, it will be able to stain Indonesia in treading its nets towards a large, peaceful and prosperous country.

Indonesia, with its quite old age, has been growing society organizations that have the same goal line as Indonesia. Because this organization is indeed the biological child of Indonesia. No doubt if the role and contribution can be felt until this moment.

Call it Nu and Muhammadiyah. The largest society organization in Indonesia has made extraordinary contributions; they can move to the lowest strata of society; at the same time can move in supra political structure, if needed (As’ad, 2019). From here also, a term was born, namely religious organizations in Indonesia are pillars of the state buffer as well as the reinforcement of national solidarity.

*The Role of Society Organizations*
In the framework of strengthening the pillars of nationality, society organization must be independent, independent. That is, it must be free from practical political interests (parties). Why is that? This is intended so that the struggles and tasks of society organizations are not ridden by the interests of certain people or groups. In addition to being free from political interests, it is also necessary to build mutual relations between organizations that are mutualist (As’ad, 2019).

If this is the case, then religious mass organizations will establish synergistic relations and spread religious missions properly and correctly without politicization. There are no religious values ​​that contradict the principles and concepts in the 4 national pillars. Therefore, it is only natural that society organizations in Indonesia practice religion without having to contradict national (state) values.

The role of society organizations that have a high commitment to the nation must be maintained because true society organization are the engine driving the community. Unity and harmony are two things that must be present and adorn the everyday life of the Indonesian people as a whole. This is the role of society organizations needed now.

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