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The Santri: Message of Tolerance, Peace and Anti-Radicalisme

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The Santri: Message of Tolerance, Peace and Anti-Radicalisme
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Just when the official trailer was released on Monday (9/9), the film The Santri immediately grabbed wide public attention. The film, initiated by PBNU and directed by Livi Zheng, has caused controversy and was opposed by radical fundamentalist groups.

Through massive social media movements and prerequisites of interest, The Santri’s film is fried in such a way as a radical fundamentalist ‘screech’ so that it does not seem to reflect the true values ​​and traditions of the santri as the main purpose of this film.

The culmination of the film rejection starring Veve Zulfikar, Wirda Mansur and Gus Azmi is the hashtag #BoikotFilmTheSantri which is a trending topic in the Indonesian Twitter universe.

The film which is planned to be aired on the eve of the National Santri Day commemoration is an attempt to be rejected furiously by certain groups because, once again, they consider it uneducative, liberal, deviating from the traditions, morals and actual activities of the hut. That is their gratuitous evaluation!

This group seems to have been exposed to large pupils so that they cannot see and judge things in a clear and comprehensive manner. Even though the trailer just aired, it hasn’t been shown in full, but they’ve already rejected it.

Let’s look at a few points that became their refutation of the film The Santri, so that gave birth to an attitude of refusing blindly.

There are at least two points at issue in the film The Santri and their reason for refusing it.

First, liberal. In the movie trailer for The Santri that was published on NU Channel, a scene was seen giving a cone by two female students to a priest in a church.

That scene was highlighted and then used as an excuse against the film The Santri. The group that is keen to reject is FPI. They assume that this scene reflects liberal values ​​and the like. Unfortunately, there are those who consider that this scene can damage the faith. Are they really thin? Obviously, such judgments are unfounded and reflect precisely their narrow view

The paramilitans were angry just because the footage from The Santri movie brought a cone to the church, however, when Anies Baswedan, their pujaam leader, for example, gave a speech at the church, they were speechless in a thousand languages, alias did not matter.

So it is no exaggeration if there are people who firmly say that the FPI group and friends, always throw tantrums with the main principle of taking the attitude “which is important is different / opposed to NU”. It is this principle, again, which gives birth to haphazard and misleading views.

Second, the association of students in Islamic boarding schools. Rizieq Shihab’s son-in-law, who is also claimed to be chairman of the Indonesian Santri Front (FSI) expressly expressed rejection of the film The Santri because, he said, did not reflect the true character and traditions of the santri.

In the trailer, there are scenes of male and female santri walking simultaneously without any partitions / separators, even there are scenes of mutual glance, stealing the attention of the opposite sex. Such scenes serve as an excuse that the film The Santri does not educate and is far from the actual association of santri.

The narratives that the association of students depicted in the movie trailer for The Santri are not educational and contrary to santri culture are actually systemic steps, which seek to obscure the main values ​​in this film, namely tolerance, peace and love for the homeland.

Being a santri, in practice, is not merely a matter of studying religion; read the yellow book and memorize various disciplines, but often it is also colored with monkey-style love stories. Being in love is never wrong. And every person usually experiences or has fallen in love, especially students who are in or past puberty. This is all common. So, don’t be reactive! It may be that those who refuse, used to do things like this too.

But basically, love and the attitude of stealing each other’s views are not free like what happens outside the santri environment.

The pesantren, especially the NU pesantren, must have known about the condition of these santri and of course they also have their own ways to overcome these human passions, and of course they will react to them appropriately and are still in religious tracks. So the point is, that assessing from a narrow perspective will give rise to a narrow attitude as well.

What should be banned and opposed are teachings that like to infidel others (takfirism), uphold the Khilafah in the style of HTI and his friends by selling and twisting holy verses according to their interests, and being intolerant. This is what must be banned in pesantren.

In the end, we must not be trapped and go with the flow of radical fundamentalist groups who try to obscure and distort the main values ​​in the film The Santri.

Because, the film The Santri actually contains some in-depth messages as follows: First, tolerance. Without tolerance, peace and unity in this country are difficult to create, yes, as difficult as the sun hugging the moon.

Now, tolerance has begun to wear off. This is indicated by the increasing cases of intolerance. So, the film The Santri actually must be welcomed warmly by the people of Indonesia at large. And interpreted positively, namely as a serious effort to ground and promote the return of tolerance values ​​in all Indonesian citizens as a whole.

The scene of giving a cone by two female students to the priests in a church must be interpreted clearly and with a cool head, not as long as it does not refute it. Here there are tolerance values ​​that can be seen as valuable educational values.

After all, one day, the Prophet once fed a blind beggar who was Jewish. So, a Muslim who goes to church or interacts with non-Muslims should not always be suspected of being a liberal step and would pawn the faith.

Second, peace. The mission of Islam as a religion that brings mercy to all nature will be featured in the film The Santri. Even Islam as a religion of peace will decorate the film The Santri. This was stated by KH Said Aqil Siraj in his press release which was revealed after the trailer of The Santri was finished.

Through The Santri also, which is said to be predicted will penetrate the market of the United States, will be a promotional material as well as aligning western views about Islam. As it is known that some western people are afraid of Islam (Islamophobia) because it is known as a religion of swords and the like. So, through the film The Santri, this inaccurate view may be straightened out, namely Islam is a religion of peace.

Third, anti-radicalism. The Santri film also intends to target all radical groups which to this day have taken to various aspects of the life lines of the nation and state. In the condition of Indonesia being a surplus of radical-terrorist groups, The Santri Film is present. No doubt if there is a beard on the presence of films that uphold the values ​​of Islam which is santu, tolerant, plural, peaceful, far from Radical Islam, Extremist Islam, let alone Terrorist Islam.

Thus it can be put forward that the group that rejects the film The Santri is a narrow-minded group and is more eager to fight all group activities and ideas that are not in line with the group. Therefore, do not be provoked or provoked.

The Santri movie spirit is very noble and in accordance with current and contemporary conditions because The Santri highlights the values ​​of diversity, tolerance, love of the nation and how to protect and care for the nation and the country from various ideological attacks such as radicalism and terrorism.


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