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NKRI Refuses Radicalism

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NKRI Refuses Radicalism
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Fighting radical groups in the present era is a very noble work. Radicalism, besides blaming religion, they also often threaten the security and peace of a nation or social order.

Borrowing the views of Suaib Tahir, et al in a research work entitled (ISIS Not Islam, Cet 2nd: 2016), asserts that, “even in Islamic infidels cannot be fought as long as they do not fight Islam. Islam only allows combating infidels if they fight Muslims. ”

That is, Islam is present to have a transformative mission towards religious symbols that are inclusive. Ideally, the Islamic religion desires its people to build a brotherhood full of love between human beings (ukhwah Insaniyah). Life is not just about Islam, but we need to practice it.
Maintain the integrity of the NKRI

And Indonesia has the privilege of the future of the nation and state. Namely, the plurality value as one of the tools that can maintain the integrity of the NKRI from radicalist attacks, because radical understandings can largely divide the unity of Muslims in this country.

Not surprisingly, the radicalism movement does not only depart on behalf of religion, but also increasingly includes economic movements (capitalization). For example, the size of ISIS is a movement that overcomes the religion of Islam but its basis for committing violence is that it is a crime of humanity.

The ongoing attack by ISIS radical groups has polluted the sanctity of Islam itself. Even though religion Islam is full of peace and tranquility and rejects radicalism. As explained in such a way, the barbaric actions carried out by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq Syria) have troubled all communities in every corner of the country.
ISIS is not a reflection of Islam

Even those who are very concerned about reaching their destination pioneered an Islamic country, ISIS often does it with various kinds of vile actions and has no humanitarian attitude. However, is ISIS’s act reciting the true Islamic doctrine?
The answer, because the dominance of ISIS actions has polluted Islam as a religion that is peaceful and full of peace. Therefore, it was reaffirmed for Muslims themselves to be strictly prohibited from adhering to teachings that understand the latest radicalism. So that the consequences are not even greater for these Muslims.

With a variety of reasons, of course the breakthroughs of people are only in the name of Islam but far different from the sadistic actions. So that his actions indicate that the method that must be used by Islam should be refined and polite, not even worse to make his attitude go too far and act violently.

Of course with this, we all agree that no religion in the world teaches radicalism. The radical notion brought by a group of ISIS is clearly an attitude that is not justified by all religions including Islam. As a very tolerant religion, Islam commands peace and spreads mutual tolerance and tolerance among others.

The acts of terror and killing carried out by ISIS are very cruel with the holy mission of Islam which is full of tenderness and peace. As also stated by Ali Masykur Musa in his book, (Grounding Islam Nusantara: 2014) reaffirms, that Islam has never taught its adherents to do violence, anarchism, radicalism and terrorism, even Islam condemns all negative actions.

Dangers of Radicalism

Even worse, terrorism movement researchers from Singapore’s Nanyang University, Prof. Dr. Rohan Gunaratna explained, currently there are 18 extreme groups from Indonesia who have joined the militia groups of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and 15 groups have been paid by the ISIS Presidium Abu Bakar Al-Bagdadi and three of them are limited to supporting, observing from the research is increasingly troubling the people in every corner of the country. this shows that the community is threatened by the existence of a group of radical understandings, and moreover Islam, very strongly rejected by the radical notion.

However, actually ISIS is a group created by non-Muslims and people who hate Islam by polluting Islam so that on the contrary, Islam is hated by every religion and by Muslims themselves. This incident shows that this action is only an act committed by people who want to pollute the sanctity of Islam.

In the present, ISIS has become a global threat that is very troubling to many countries including Indonesia. In fact, it is very worrying that there are a number of extreme groups from ASEAN countries that have joined ISIS. These are 5 extreme groups from Malaysia and three groups from Filipina.

Thus he also added, terrorist groups from Indonesia who joined ISIS were mostly studying Islam in the Middle East. Because Indonesia must be very moderate in its teachings, it means that ISIS ideology has become rampant in this republic and the target of recruitment is among young people. ISIS’s radical guidance must be dammed as quickly as possible so as not to consume many lives.

Stop the Radical Understanding

Then what is the strategy to anticipate ISIS radicalism? In the opinion of the author there are several steps that must be taken. First, straighten the Islamic doctrine. Efforts to slaughter ISIS radicalism must be carried out including measures of reality by correcting the ideas that are the source of ISIS radical doctrines.

Second, stop the funds distributed. Based on Law Number 9 of 2013 concerning Fund Distribution Crimes, it is very possible for the government to confiscate and seize capital related to terrorism.

Third, the state institutions themselves must be active in maintaining the stability of all the lives of their citizens, especially Indonesia as a rule of law. There is a need for firmness from the government towards those believed to be involved with ISIS both directly and indirectly. In addition, the government must be more strict in making passports, especially for those who tend to want to go to the Middle East.

Fourth, and most importantly the role of the BNPT-RI (National Agency for Combating Terrorism), its strategic role is to carry out maximum socialization to various campuses, and Islamic boarding schools throughout Indonesia. Because of that, the target is to at least hold the young generation of radicalism increasingly rampant in this country.

Fifth, all religions must establish cooperation to be actively involved in the formation of the declaration of “Countries Against Radical Understanding”, because with this bilateral solidity radical teachings can be predicted will not easily enter the region, and it is not easy to recruit if there are collective supervision efforts.

Hasin Abdullah, is a young researcher in Legal Affairs at UIN Jakarta, Alumni of SMA-Tahfidz Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Islamic Boarding School, Pamekasan.

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