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Hoax News Spreader Like Terrorists

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Hoax News Spreader Like Terrorists
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Unimaginable, today the hoax news is mushrooming even more so. The hoax news spreaders at will express slander against their victims, especially on social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram. Indeed the spread of news hoaxes is very dangerous, especially against the victims. Various accusations were raised without any definite truth and valid sources. It’s dangerous!

The victim of the hoax news was accused and slandered, so that his pride and dignity became damaged. As a result of the hoax news, it makes other people believe and participate in putting negative thoughts on the news hoax victims. More and more are making fun of the victim. Of course, with the proliferation of hoax news, we must all fight the spread of news hoaxes. Anyone who spreads hoax news must be punished so that there is a deterrent effect for him and we together not to participate in the spread of hoax news. This is so that comfort and security are maintained from the rise of hoax news.

Related to that, there are also many fake accounts that spread hoaxes, so that the account is really dangerous if it continues to grow because there are so many posts that don’t know the source and data from where. Funny thing is, fake accounts are increasingly multiplying and out of control.

Certainly, the hoax news spreader is very happy if the hoax news can be read by the public and disseminated to social media accounts. This is to create a polemic, conflict and division in the body of the nation. That way, the culprit can be said to be successful in completing his mission. For the writer, the perpetrator of the hoax news spreader is no doubt like a terrorist. Both want to confuse security, peace and unity.

Let us imagine, if the perpetrators of terror will be said to succeed when fear, insecurity undermines society. Likewise, the perpetrator of the hoax news spreader is said to succeed when he is able to make other people quarrel, insecure and insult each other.

We know that news hoaxes are able to heat up one another. For example, when someone spreads hoaxes about him, say he is accused of being a beggar, a thief or a prostitute. In fact, the person is actually a kind and polite person. As a result of hoax news that makes other people affected and join in saying things that are not true. Finally, they also fought, throwing insults at each other even to revenge.

That’s how many people experience it, of course it has a bad impact on their image in front of other people who are affected by the hoax news. Certainly! So, he was ridiculed and lost his pride. Really pity! No wonder we say hoax spreaders are people who have no compassion and do not know the law of love!

Fighting Hoax News Spreaders

So, we need to rise up against the spread of hoax news. It’s time to prioritize validity and valid data in commenting and criticizing, specifically on social media.

In handling cases of hoax news dissemination, it is necessary for the police to act quickly in handling it so as not to spread the hoax news. It’s time for the police to be encouraged to be quick and precise in investigating and investigating cases of hoax news on social media. This is so that the perpetrator of the hoax news dissemination is processed by the court and given a sentence for his actions. We believe the police will handle the case quickly and precisely.

In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Information also participated in acting against the fictitious accounts of hoax news. It’s time for an account indicated by the hoax news spreader to be blocked so that it can no longer launch hoax news attacks on social media. After that, the community, the police and the Ministry of Communication and Information further strengthened coordination so that information about the circulation of hoax news disseminating accounts could be overcome.

Furthermore, use law as a double-edged sword that cuts down all forms of crime including the spread of the hoax news. The law must be upright and radiate so that everyone does not arbitrarily act in violation of the law. Let us also take good care of our lips, hands and minds not to commit cyber crimes such as spreading hoaxes, hate speech and other crimes.

It would be nice, we become human beings who think positively, have a vision to improve Indonesia better and support law enforcement that is certainty, fair and beneficial. Hoax spreaders like a terrorist. Therefore, let’s fight the dangers of hoax news spread!

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